Policy Statement

In carrying out its educational and welfare functions, Maribyrnong College collects personal information about students, parents/carers and staff.  The school is committed to protecting the privacy of all information collected.  All employees, School Council members and volunteers are required by law to protect the personal information the school collects and holds.  All members of the Maribyrnong School community have the right to understand how their personal information will be stored, used and disposed of.


1.1 Maribyrnong College is bound by the Victorian privacy laws, the Information Privacy Act 2000 and the Health Records Act 2001, as well as other laws that impose specific obligations in regard to handling personal and health information that directly or indirectly identifies a person. The privacy policy and principles in this document are in accordance with these laws and the DEECD Information Privacy Policy.

1.2 Personal information means information or opinion that is recorded in any form and whether true or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can be reasonably determined from the information or opinion. For example, this includes all paper and electronic records, photographs and video recordings.

Health information is defined as including information or opinion about a person’s physical, mental or psychological health, or disability, which is also classified as personal information. This includes information or opinion about a person’s health status and medical history, whether recorded or not.

Sensitive information is defined as information relating to a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, trade union, or other professionals, or trade association membership, sexual preferences, or criminal record that is also classified as personal information about an individual.

In this policy personal information refers to personal information, health information and sensitive information unless otherwise specified.

1.3 Maribyrnong College collects only information which is required for a specified primary purpose, ensures that the person supplying the information knows why the information is collected and how it will be handled

uses and discloses information only for the primary or a directly related purpose, or for another purpose with the person’s consent (unless otherwise required, permitted or authorised by law)

stores information securely, protecting it from unauthorised access and retaining it for the period authorised by the Public Records Act 1973, and takes reasonable steps to permanently de-identify personal or health information when it is no longer needed

provides people with access to their own personal information and permits people to seek corrections if necessary. This will usually be handled under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.


2.1    Upon collection of personal information college will:

address the privacy issues relevant to their functions and only collect and use this information in accordance with the privacy principles

manage this information according to privacy policies created for the area of service DEECD provides in accordance with the privacy principles.

2.2    The school will use and disclose personal information about a student, parent and staff when:

a. it is required for general administration duties and statutory functions

b. it relates to the purposes for which it was collected, and

for a purpose that is directly related to the reason the information was collected and the use would be reasonably expected by the individual and there is no reason to believe they would object to the disclosure.

2.3 Should the school receive a complaint about personal information privacy this will be investigated in accordance with the DEECD privacy complaints handling policy.


3.1    This policy will be reviewed as part of the school’s four-year review cycle or upon changes to the privacy legislation or DEECD practice.


For additional information see:

Privacy Victoria, www.privacy.vic.gov.au

DEECD Requests for Information about Students

DEECD Information Privacy Policy

DEECD’s Acceptable Use Policy for ICT systems